Once upon a time, A King named Odin ruled the kingdom called Asgard. There was a Painter and a Carpenter in that city and they both excelled in their arts not only in this kingdom and also in the surrounding kingdoms. But the two were not going to conform to each other. One day at an art festival they displayed their own Artwork.
(The king also comes to see the art festival)
"It was carved to be placed on the wall. If you like it, I would like to give it to you to put in the palace."
"Why! ... It's neat.! I want to put this in the government library."
The King next went to the painter who displayed the painting.
"Look at this, My King! ..."
"I have never seen such magic on canvas! Painter."
"If you like it, can I give it to your palace?."
"Sure. But where do I put this ...? Okay I can put it in the dining hall."
(Minister is coming) ....
"Really this is a good idea, My King! ..."
"Then call some of our soldiers and tell them to bring the Paints to the palace."
"Okay, My Lord."
The Minister first went to buy the wall carvings of the carpenter, and before the minister entered the room he heard the carpenter and his assistant speak.
"What? ... Does that painter also give his painting as a gift to the king ?.
Can those meaningless tweaks drawn on canvas be compared to my very neatly carved wall sculptures ?. Even a child can draw beautiful paintings using colors, But it takes a lot of patience and artistry to create a very sexy and different look with a piece of wood that is brown. If I could, I would expel that painter from this country!. "
The minister was shocked!, He said nothing, And the minister went into the painter's room to buy the wall sculptures. There too the painter heard his assistant speak.
"What? ... Did that carpenter make a great mural? How dare you give it to the king? What nonsense...
The same color wood is also brown, with subtle artistry on a canvas It takes different skills and artistic techniques to make a painting look like heaven with ordinary colors. Any sculptor can break a tree with a hammer, If only I could do that, I would drive that country out of that country!. "
The minister left without saying anything and bought the painting from the painter.
But the minister returned to the palace and told the King everything he had heard.
"Hmm ... Both with amazing artistic talent, Do they think each other’s arts are bad?
What a pity!
Call on those royal artists and we will put an end to their stupid competition. "
The next day the king summoned the carpenter to court, thinking that he should consult with the royal artists.
"Thank you so much for coming here."
"This is our proud King! ..."
"Yesterday I had a dream in which the spirits of nature appeared in my dream and made a request for our kingdom."
"What kind of request, My King! ..."
“They say I have to build a big hall that respects nature and build it within the first three months of today i.e. before spring.
I talked to the architects and they say it's too late to build the hall. Since you are the very best carpenter in hell, I want you to create wooden pillars and decorative arches and then you have to take it to the hall and decorate it.
You started work today, can you finish all the work in three months?. "
"Yes ...! Let's finish. It is my duty to finish like that! ..."
"Good ..!
Please go to the workshop and start making pillars, decorative arches, bow arches. "
"You will be done, My king ...!"
Next, the king who was invited by the painter told about the hall of honor of nature.
"You have to paint wonderful paintings on the walls and ceilings in the main hall."
"Of course I draw it is my duty, My King! ..."
The carpenter worked hard in his workshop and the painter worked hard to paint the walls and ceilings of the main hall.
On the appointed day the king summoned all the nobles of the land.
The carpenter's beautifully carved wooden pillars and arches are carried into the garden outside the hall and displayed for all to see and admire.
"Do you all like pillars ?."
"It's amazing, It's so beautiful to see the carved angel figure !.
Look at the sculptures of flowers and animals, they are symbols of true devotion to nature."
"Do you think these pillars can be made even better ?."
"My king ....! That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. "
"Well!... Everyone follow me to the main hall."
When they reached the main hall, the nobles and ladies were mesmerized by the masterpieces of beauty adorning the nearby wall and ceiling.
"What do you think of these paintings?."
“These paintings are supposed to be masterpieces in the world! Every color looks like a masterpiece.
Look at the scenes depicted in the paintings. In fact, these paintings seem natural."
"Do you think these can be made even better?."
"These are nutritious, King...!"
"Haha ha..let's see that too"
Now the king put the two arts together and asked, "What do you think of this?."
"Putting the two together... About this ... I have no words to praise God ..! Rarely can such a beautiful work be created ...! "
“Now what do you think of your art forms?.” King asked the artists.
"I realized what you were about to say, My king!."
"I have mistakenly thought that carving a piece of wood is an ordinary art form ..!"
“It is wrong to think that Owens needs no talent. Here I see your painting giving a beautiful meaning to my sleep and bow arches."
"Your pillars and arches are what gives beauty to my painting! The public that attaches my masterpieces to my paintings is so beautiful, thank you so much."
"You're an amazing artist."
"You too, sir."
“You two are master artists, that’s why I thought it was okay to be with each other with little tweaks. Have you ever seen your artwork come together and what magic it looks like ?. Buy now better than the beauty of your personal work."
"Oh, my King ...! Forgive us. We are ashamed of how humble we were. "
"Oh my King ...! Forgive us, I'm ashamed to say that we have been like this for so long."
The Carpenter and The Painter have since become best friends who respect each other and appreciate each other's work.
It would be a much healthier relationship if we were to appreciate the talents we have within them instead of degrading and degrading each other.
We will be happy only if its benefits work together and the world will be beautiful.