The King And The Beggar Story - Once upon a time a country was ruled by a king. At present the king is getting old and he does not have a son to rule

The King And The Beggar Story In English

The beggar king story

Once upon a time, a country was ruled by a king. At present, the king is getting old and he does not have a son to rule the country after him so the king wanted to select a suitable warrior to rule the country, and following that the king sent notices all over his country.

In that announcement, a qualified young man from that country will be interviewed by the king. It was stated that the only qualification for a candidate to attend was to have the utmost love for every fellow human being across the country.

A poor young man from a remote village reads the announcement. After reading the proclamation with great enthusiasm to be the ruler of the country, he began to prepare for an interview with the king.

The poor young man was a kind man, a hard worker, but he was very poor. The man did not have good clothes in the eyes of the king due to various circumstances, so the young man worked very hard and saved some money to buy the right clothes and goods.

Then after getting his belongings and the right attire for the interview for the long journey to the palace, the young man began his journey, he traveled for several days and came within sight of the palace. He almost finished the trip.


From time to time a Poor Beggar who was standing on the side of the road stretched out his arms as if trembling in the cold, bending his weak voice and begging for help.

I am hungry and cold Please help me sir the beggar begged. The young man, realizing the beggar's miserable condition, immediately took off his new clothes and gave him the very little food he had taken for the trip. The beggar thanked the young man a thousand times. But he was a little hesitant to go to the interview because the young man had given his nice clothes to the beggar and gathered enough courage to enter the palace when he arrived.

After the poor young man came to the palace in dirty clothes as before, the assistant to the government showed him the way to the interview room. When the king entered the room he was overwhelmed with surprise because he noticed that the king looked like a beggar standing on the side of the road.


The king saw the shock in the man's eye and said, 'Yes, the king said,' I am the beggar you met on your way. '

But the young man stumbled over why you dressed like a beggar, you were a king, why you did this.

The king said that I had to make sure that you had a good heart and that you truly loved fellow human beings and that I knew that you would have done anything to impress me if I had come to you like a king.

And I will never know that generosity and love really exist for someone in need without expecting anything in return. It is a sign of a great heart that sees the generosity of your love for the beggar man and it proves that you truly love your fellow human beings. A leader who not only provides and fulfills a need for the throne of the nation but also works for the benefit of all of the nation. You have proved that you are the right person to be my successor.

Promising to the king you consider in life is more important than wisdom Recognizing this is the beginning of wisdom.

A heart full of compassion and love for our fellow human beings is the greatest gift a king can give to the world in this world today.

A king in this country can be rich, sexy, powerful, and have everything. The king said that this kingdom was useless compared to the rich heart of a beggar.


"This poor young man was then chosen as the future king."

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